Friday, January 8, 2010


what is the matter with this country...........the country is going to hell............and nobody is ready to get off their fat asses and do something......... a dangerous word..........i have wanted to do something for my country since the minute i was born...........and yet there is no something i have done........
today............a cop died in Tamil what people die.............but u wanna know how died.....
he was attacked by gangsters in the rural country............and he laid there waiting and screaming for help...........he would have died peacefully had nobody come his way.......but in the dying moments he died as a man who had lost all faith in what happened that made him lose faith in humanity...............he died amidst...........a convoy of two state ministers and a home screatry....... the convoy of the so called representative of people happened to be passing that is not that they did not stop their cars........but they had to as they could not pass the man was dieing in in the middle of the road......they coulld not be accused of committing a sin so grave as that of running over a still alive man........but they could surely see a man pleading for help and bursting his lungs this way they could not be accused of killing the man......... and after fifteen minutes of the ministers sent his PA to the heavily mutilated man......and what does he do... he throws water at the cops face........and that too fom a if he is lightening a cracker and it is diwali.......after all these things when the victim is finally sent to the hospital ..........he dies on his way.......

This is what the country is coming to...........not only the ministers but the common people the (awam) which was present there should be held accountable.........why only the ministers ...........the common people .........the TV cameramen.................everybody should be held accountable.............One cannot reverse the damage........but make sure that this does not happen again......
The man died knowing that their is no hope in humanity........
This is a nation without compassion............and mark my words a nation without compassion has his days numbered.........

Saturday, January 2, 2010

reso volution

one year has ended and another one has begun........vigour, aspiration,hope are the words that are normally associated with a new year .................the beggining of new things, the happiness and the optimistic nature and the radiance that each face emitts is spreads from face to face....and the biggest hype about the new the supposed new year resolutions full with air quotes............i mean what the heck.......i have never made any resolution ....... i always thought they were lame ...........but as the wanderer that i am .....this time i decided make a resoution...........but i dont think i will be able to make one.........i dont know how people can just pick one thing that they want to improve for me there are a zillion things that i want to improve upon........i have always thought of myself as one who strives for perfection............but now i think that ............i have nt really achieved perfection in any thing not even a single thing........
so may be the people are right and i am wrong..............MAYB
E............let us c........simply a wandrer